guide to
The Alekhine
How To Play The Alekhine Defense,
The Theory Behind It,
And How To Counter It
Exchange variation
White’s Plans
Protect Center Pawns
Keep pawn chain connected
Take more space from Black’s Position
Black’s Plans
Either take back pawn with e-pawn
(Leads to symmetrical or balanced game)
Or take back pawn with c-pawn
(Leads to Asymmetrical or imbalanced game)
Attack White’s Center From A Distance
(Using Bishop)
Four Pawns attack
White’s Plans
Hold on to center pawns
Avoid exchanging pieces
(Space Advantage - Need to attack)
Black’s Plans
Use c-pawn to attack White’s Over Extended Pawns
Use g-pawn to attack White’s Over Extended Pawns
Modern Variation
White’s Plans
Hold space advantage by protecting the central pawns
Castle Kingside
Black’s Plans
Counter attack center with Bishop and pawn
Pin Knight To Queen
Balogh Variation
White’s Plans
Coordinate Attack On Kingside
Use this pawn to break open Kingside
Black’s Plans
Gain Tempo chasing bishop away
Block Off Bishop’s Diagonal