guide to
The Dutch
How To Play The Dutch Defense,
The Theory Behind It,
And How To Counter It
Classical Dutch
White’s Plans
Use Bishop To Attack This Long Diagonal
Open up diagonals by exchanging this pawn
Get Queen on This Diagonal
Black’s Plans
Use this pawn to open up lines
Get Knight To This Square (To Trade With White Knight)
Control this Square
Leningrad Dutch
White’s Plans
Open up lines
(For Rook and Bishop)
Use Bishop To Attack This Long Diagonal
Attack on Queenside Flank
Black’s Plans
Attack on Queenside Flank
Use Queen To Control This Diagonal
Castle Kingside
Stonewall Dutch
White’s Plans
Place Knight In Outpost Square
(To Control Black’s Squares)
Counter play on Queenside
Set up this structure to protect King
Black’s Plans
Trade this pawn to open up lines for attacks
Move Queen To Attack White’s Castled King
Point Knight To Attack White’s Castled King
Point Bishop To Attack White’s Castled King
Staunton Gambit
White’s Plans
Take the pawn
Move Knight Here
(Threatening to take Pawn)
Win Back Pawn
Black’s Plans
Develop Piece
(While also protecting pawn)
Give Back Pawn