guide to
The Italian
How To Play The Italian Game,
The Theory Behind It,
And How To Counter It
The Hungarian Defense
White’s Plans
Gain space in the center
Expand on Queenside
If Black plays cxd5, take back with c-pawn
Black’s Plans
Challenge the center
Expand on the Kingside
Safeguard the King
The Two Knights Defense
White’s Plans
Secure e-pawn and expand on Queenside
Attack King With Bishop And Knight
Control the center with Knight
Black’s Plans
Place the Knight on f4 via d5
Play h6 to push the Knight away from g5
Control b-file with Rook
Evans Gambit
White’s Plans
Control the center with c3-d4
Put pressure on f7 with Bc4 and Qb3
Place Bishop on this diagonal
Black’s Plans
Take the gambit pawn
Counter-attack in the center with d5
Create an isolated pawn for White
Giuoco Piano (main line)
White’s Plans
Control the center
Expand on the Queenside
Retreat the Bishop to c2
Black’s Plans
Pin White's Knight with Bg4
Get the Knight to f4 via h5
Expand on the Kingside