guide to
The King's
How To Play The King's Gambit,
The Theory Behind It,
And How To Counter It
Kings Gambit Accepted
King's Knight's Gambit
White’s Plans
Prevent Queen From Getting To This Square
Counter g-pawn expansion
Attack this Square
(Only defended by King)
Black’s Plans
Secure won pawn
Expand g-pawn forward
Get Queen To This Square
(To Attack King)
Kings Gambit Accepted
Bishop's Gambit
White’s Plans
Chase Queen From This Square
(You gain tempo but lose right to castle)
Challenge Queen with Pawn
Counter attack Black’s Kingside with bishop and Queen
Black’s Plans
Secure won pawn
Protect weak square using Knight
Have Queen Attack This Square
(King will lose ability to castle)
Kings Gambit Declined
Falkbeer Countergambit
White’s Plans
Prevent Black’s pawn from advancing
Use Knight to protect Kingside
Take White’s pawn
Black’s Plans
Prevent White From Castling
Coordinate attack on this square
Open up center
(Creates lines to attack Kingside)
Kings Gambit Declined Classical Defense
White’s Plans
Trade Knight For Bishop
(So you can castle)
Castle Kingside
(Prevent Black’s Attacks)
Do NOT take Black’s e-pawn with f-pawn
(Vulnerable to Queen attack)
Black’s Plans
Use Bishop to Keep White From Castling
Attack vulnerable Kingside