guide to
The Sicilian
How To Play The Sicilian Defense,
The Theory Behind It,
And How To Counter It
Najdorf variation
White’s Plans
Place bishop to control King and Queenside
Attack Kingside Flank with Pawns
Pin Knight to Queen
Black’s Plans
Use this pawn to control center
Coordinate attack here
Don’t let enemy pieces get to this square
Dragon Variation
White’s Plans
Exchange bishops
Attack kingside flank
Don’t let Black move this pawn forward
Black’s Plans
Don’t Exchange Bishops - Control long diagonal
Attack Queenside Flank
Try to push this pawn forward
Coordinate counter attack here
Classical Variation
White’s Plans
Place Bishop Here
Exchange Bishop for Knight - To Double Black's pawns
Castle Queenside
Coordinate attack here
Black’s Plans
Break pin by moving this pawn forward
Take back exchange with this pawn
Castle Kingside
Position Queen here
Scheveningen variation
White’s Plans
Develop Queen Early
Attack kingside flank
Don’t let black get pawn to this square
Black’s Plans
Advance this pawn forward
Coordinate attack here
Don’t let enemy pieces get to this square