guide to
The Slav
How To Play The Slav Defense,
The Theory Behind It,
And How To Counter It
Main line
White’s Plans
Recapture pawn with Bishop
Take control of this square
Place Knight on here -
(To take this pawn)
Black’s Plans
Either put Bishop here to control this square
Or put bishop here
(Prevents e-pawn from advancing)
Protect square just defended by King
a6 Slav (Chebanenko)
White’s Plans
Take away Black’s Space on Queenside
Place the bishop here to control Rook from coming here
Support this pawn
Black’s Plans
Push this pawn forward
(To secure won pawn)
Exchange pawn to open up position for rook
Exchange pawn to open up position for rook
White’s Plans
Use bishop to protect pawn
Put bishop here
(pins Blacks Queen and frees Bishop)
Develop Queen And Bishop Here
Black’s Plans
Win pawn and hold on to it
Challenge Bishop
(If White trades, Black gets Bishop pair)
Expand on the Queenside
General Slav Defense
White’s Plans
Get Knight Here
Have Queen attack Queenside Flank
Don’t allow enemy pieces to get to this square
Castle Kingside
Black’s Plans
Place Bishop on Long Diagonal
Get Knight Here
Open up file center
(For Rook)